Long Islanders are experiencing the coldest weather we've seen in years. Did you ever wonder how such drastic temperatures can affect your vehicles? The cold negatively effects cars in the following ways:
1: Rubber on all-season tires hardens, causing them to lose grip. This can lead to sliding on roadways. When expecting such cold temperatures, one should purchase winter tires, which stay soft and stick to the road.
2: Motor oil thickens.
3: Heaters delay engine warm up. Newer cars offer interior heat almost immediately, delaying engine warm up.
4: The engine runs least efficiently during the first 20 minutes after starting the car. During this time, water vapor builds up in the exhaust system and in the motor oil.
5: Short trips in cold weather don't allow the car to sufficiently heat, and as a result is not able to burn off accumulated water vapor. This could cause your exhaust system to rust.
6: Your car will consume more fuel.
7: Windshields are more susceptible to damage. Using hot water on a freezing cold windshield will cause it to crack. Blasting hot air from your defroster can also cause cracks.
8: Road salt loses efficiency in extreme temperatures, so drive carefully.
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