Monday, April 22, 2013

A Few Ways to Help Our Planet This Earth Day and Everyday!

There are more ways to help out our planet than you think. If you can’t go out today and buy a new iMiEV electric car or convert your home to run on solar energy, that doesn't mean that there aren't other, simple changes you can make in your life to help out our planet. gives us some simple ways tips and tricks we can follow to better our environment.  Let’s see a few examples:
File:Planet earth.jpeg
  • Turn your computers off at night – No need to leave it on all night and waste energy consumption! Turn it off before you go to sleep and turn it back on in the morning. You can even turn it off while you’re at work, if no one is going to be using it.
  • Turn off the faucet while you brush – You’re not using the water while you brush, only have it on when you need to rinse!
  • Turn off a light when you don’t need it, or if you’re going to leave a room. Same as with your computer, if you don’t need it, don’t waste it! You’ll not only save energy and money, but the light bulb will last longer!
  • Go Paperless – Pay your bills online and cut out on sending checks through the mail. You can even cancel your paper statements! All your information can usually be accessible online.
  • Recycle – Recycling doesn’t necessarily mean bring soda cans and bottles to the grocery store. You can recycle items around the house such as wire hangers, old cell phones and computers. 
  • Reuse – Use reusable cups, mugs, plates, etc. No need go through tons of paper cups and plates.

Let us know on our Facebook page what changes you plan on making to help out our planet this Earth Day and beyond! Remember to follow us on Twitter @WantaghMitsu!

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